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Purim 5784

Purim Megilla Readings And Schedule Thursday, March 21   Fast of Esther Begins: 5:47am     Fast Ends: 7:50pm Saturday, March 23 Shabbat Parshat Zachor Shabbat morning services: 10:00am Shabbat ends: 8:04pm Megillah reading: 8:20pm Thursday, March 24   Purim Day!        Services: 8:00am     Megillah Reading: 8:30am Private Megilla Reading –…


Passover Haggadah

We’ve re-thought the traditional Haggadah with you in mind. Whether you’re on your own or with a crowd, a veteran or a newbie, if you want to make your Seder an exciting and meaningful experience you want this Haggadah. The Haggadah made waves and transformed seder tables last year. It brought to focus our…

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Simchat Torah Live

REJOICE WITH THE TORAH BY SINGING & DANCING | BUFFET DINNER | LOTS OF L’CHAIMS | TREATS FOR KIDS | Tuesday Night, Sep 28 at 6:45pm | Free of Charge For Complete Schedule click HERE Wishing you a Happy Simchat Torah! Sponsorship OpportunitiesKiddush Sponsor (Bronze) $180 / Silver $360 / Gold $500Platinum $1000 / Holiday Sponsor…

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Shmini Atzeret & Simchat Torah Schedule of Services

Following the seven joyous days of Sukkot, we come to the happy holiday of Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. Yizkor, the memorial for the departed, is also said on this day. The second day is known as Simchat Torah, during which we complete and immediately begin the annual Torah reading cycle. This joyous milestone is marked with…