

Yizkor Memorial

Yizkor Memorial

Dear Friend,  This year in honor of Yom Kippur we are putting together a list of all the names of loved ones to be remembered during the Yizkor Service on the Yom Kippur. Having all these names compiled and read together, as is customary in many communities, brings everyone together as one family and brings…

High Holidays Services

High Holidays Services

Meaningful, melodic prayers highlighted by insightful thoughts to guide and inspire you throughout the service – all in a warm, welcoming environment.No affiliation, membership or tickets necessary. Wednesday Oct 2Rosh Hashana Eve       Candle Lighting: 6:32pm   Community Rosh Hashana DinnerRSVP Appreciated 6:30pm Thursday Oct 3Rosh Hashana Day 1       Morning…

Shavuot Schedule
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Shavuot Schedule

June 8 – 10, 2019 Friday , June 3 Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar Candle Lighting before: 8:10pm Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm Saturday , June 4 Morning services Shacharit 10:00am Shavuot Eve Candle Lighting after: 9:15pm Shavuot Meal 9:15pm Tikun Leil Shavuot 11:00pm Sunday, June 5 Shavuot Day 1 Holiday Services 10:30am Reading of 10 Commandments 11:00am Shavuot Celebration…